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  • 更新时间2015/5/23 11:32:10
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第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
So what is a hot guy? Who do you ____1_____to be a hot guy? It might be a celebrity(名人). It might be somebody you are ____2____with like your friend or your family member.
What ____3______do they possess to make them a hot guy? Remember it's not always about____4______. Some people find unconventionally handsome men_____5____. It may be a personality trait(品质). It might be the way they ____6_____, or just a certain sense of confidence. What is within your circle of control? Could you ____7_____up to go to an expensive salon to find a haircut that matches your_____8____? Could you simply pluck in between your eyebrows to make sure your face is more defined(轮廓分明的)? Maybe you need to start going to the gym or giving up drinking alcohol or eating______9_____.
What could you do today that will bring you towards what you believe is a hot guy? Now start to ____10_____like that hot guy. Imagine that you're him. If you can imagine yourself as a hot guy you're that bit _____11____to being there. If nothing else, the confidence that will bring will make you____12______. There may be somebody that you work with, maybe somebody in your family, maybe a friend who you think is very cool. If that's the___13_____, really watch what they do. Watch how they live their lives and you can start to___14_____ that. Keep the motto "I'm cool and calm" in your head and if you keep ____15_____that, that's exactly what you'll become. That is how to be a hot guy.
1. A. remember B. consider C. remind D. inform
2. A. angry B. satisfied C. familiar D. patient
3. A. experiences B. feelings C. skills D. features
4. A. looks B. characters C. wealth D. status
5. A. rich B. strong C. friendly D. popular

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