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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本译林版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小916 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/28 13:56:27
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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When Roosevelt was a kid,his doctors claimed that he was too weak to live a normal life like most children of his age.They strongly recommended him to avoid participation in any physical activities,fearing that it could worsen his health condition and potentially lead to his death.Their opinions implied that he would face up to a life full of all kinds of limitations.Instead of permitting their limiting beliefs about what he could do and achieve,he chose to live a meaningful life.

Despite his doctors strong suggestions that he remain inactive,he didnt want to be a carefree observer of the world as it passed him by.He was determined to force himself to be active.Roosevelt had daily adventures in the woods as a boy.

He continued to play sports when he got to college.In fact,he didnt just play,but he excelled in both boxing and rowing,both of which require astonishing levels of strength and endurance.When Roosevelt graduated from college,his doctors were still not completely sure about his health condition.They still believed that he would be putting himself in serious danger,because his heart problems had not improved.They firmly believed that it would be best to find a desk job for him after completing a college degree.Once again,Roosevelt decided to challenge himself to his physical limits by living an extremely energetic adult life.In about every field he took part,he would aim to push his physical limits.Impressively,he was excellent as an explorer,a hunter,an author,a soldier and a politician.

Eventually,Roosevelt went beyond the mistaken limitation upon him and lived an amazing life.

1.What would happen if Roosevelt followed his doctors suggestions?

A.He would live a meaningful life.

B.His life would be full of limitations.

C.His parents would feel satisfied with him.

D.He would become an extraordinary person.

2.What did his doctors expect Roosevelt to become after college graduation?

A.An explorer.              B.A boxing player.

C.An office clerk.                             D.A politician.

3.How is the text mainly developed?

A.By following time order.

B.By listing obvious reasons.

C.By giving some examples.

D.By making necessary comparisons.

4.Which of the following can best describe Roosevelt?

A.Humorous.                     B.Generous.

C.Considerate.                  D.Ambitious.

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