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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小925 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/28 13:36:16
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In France, there once lived a man named Louis Pasteur, who was a doctor of science.The thing that concerned him most was the disease rabies(狂犬病)

“I must find the rabies germs(细菌)that hide inside people and make them so sick that they die” he thought.“Once I find them, I'll think of a way to kill them.”

Many people thought Pasteur was wasting his time.Some laughed at him and said“You'll never do it.”

Pasteur didn't care what people thought; he believed in himself.He kept right on working.

At the same time, in Germany, a boy named Joey was about to get into trouble.He was teasing(逗弄)a dog.But this dog was sick with rabies, which made the dog mad.Unfortunately, the dog bit him.The rabies germs were passed from the dog to Joey.

Soon the little boy was very sick.His parents could only wait.But then there was news.Joey's mother saw it and shouted for joy.“A doctor of science has found a way to save sick people like Joey”she said.The man, of course, was Louis Pasteur.Joey's parents quickly prepared Joey for the long journey to Paris.

“Dr Pasteur”said the mother.“Our little boy is very sick.Can you help us

“Perhaps”said Pasteur.“I've invented a vaccine(疫苗)It is strong enough to kill the rabies germs.Joey will be the first person to have my rabies vaccine.”

“The first person” asked Joey's worried father nervously.“Will it be dangerous? Are you sure it will work

“I believe it will” said Pasteur.

Slowly the vaccine killed more and more of the rabies germs.Joey began to get well.Dr Pasteur's vaccine was a success!

From then on no one had to be afraid of rabies anymore, and people who had laughed at him before, respected him.He is recognized as one of the world's greatest scientists.

1What was people's first reaction toward Pasteur's thoughts on killing rabies germs C 

AHopeful.                        BCheerful.

CDoubtful.                       DUncaring.


2What happened to Joey D 

AHe fought with a dog.

BHe drove a mad dog away.

CHe killed the rabies germs.

DHe got rabies unexpectedly.

解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中的“He was teasing a dog.But this dog was sick with rabies...from the dog to Joey.”可知, Joey 被患有狂犬病的狗咬了,所以他也患上了狂犬病。

3Which of the following words can best describe Pasteur?  A 

AConfident and strong­minded.

BCareful and simple­minded.

CSelfless and humorous.

DProud and imaginative.

解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Pasteur didn't care what people thought; he believed in himself.He kept right on working.”及倒数第三段中的“‘I believe it will’said Pasteur.”可知,巴斯德并没有在意世俗的看法,坚持己见并且他非常自信。

4What does the text mainly talk about D 

AThe amazing story of Joey.

BPasteur's deep interest in science.

CThe first known person to survive rabies.

DPasteur's success in finding a treatment for rabies.


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