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  • 更新时间2024/6/28 13:35:30
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There are a number of sports writers who are now widely regarded as some of the best sports journalists of our time. Here are five of the most well­known sports writers.

Rick Reilly of Sports Illustrated

Rick Reilly became famous as the back page columnist (专栏作家) for Sports Illustrated magazine. Then he moved to ESPN in 2008 and began working as a columnist for their website—ESPN.com. Now he has his own show with ESPN, and he also contributes articles to ABC sports.

Bob Ryan of The Boston Globe

Bob Ryan rose through the ranks thanks to his skill and knowledge about basketball. He very soon became known as a guru of the sport, writing an impressively large number of articles about The Boston Celtics—a National Basketball Association (NBA) team based in Boston, Massachusetts.

John Feinstein of The Washington Post

John Feinstein is primarily a columnist with The Washington Post but during his long career he has published two best­selling sports books A Good Walk Spoiled and A Season on the Brink. He is a regular with the Golf Channel and has a very popular blog called Feinstein on the Brink.

Joaquin Henson of The Philippine Star

Joaquin Henson started out his sports journalism career in 1973 and became popular through his column Sporting Chance, which has been published in The Philippine Star since the 80's. He has given a number of catchy nicknames to some of the most famous sporting stars of our time.

William Rhoden of The New York Times

Apart from being a columnist with The New York Times since the 80's, William Rhoden is a respected sports journalist known for his two books Forty Million Dollar Slaves and Third and a Mile. Both books deal with the problems that face black athletes in the field of sport.


21Before working for ESPN, Rick Reilly  C  .

Awas a regular with the Golf Channel

Bstarted his column Sporting Chance

Cwrote articles for Sports Illustrated

Dworked as a sports talk show host

解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Rick Reilly became famous as the back page columnist (专栏作家) for Sports Illustrated magazine. Then he moved to ESPN in 2008”可知,Rick Reilly2008年去ESPN之前,是作为Sports Illustrated杂志的专栏作家而出名的。故选C

22Both John Feinstein and William Rhoden  B  .

Ahave worked as writers for ten years

Bwork as columnists and write books

Clike to give nicknames to sporting stars

Dare known as columnists for ABC sports

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“John Feinstein is primarily a columnist with The Washington Post but during his long career he has published two best­selling sports books(约翰·范斯坦本来是《华盛顿邮报》的专栏作家,但在他漫长的职业生涯中,他出版了两本最畅销的体育书籍)”和最后一段中“Apart from being a columnist with The New York Times since the 80's, William Rhoden is a respected sports journalist known for his two books(威廉·罗登不仅是80年代以来《纽约时报》的专栏作家,而且是一位以两本书而闻名的受人尊敬的体育记者)”可知,John FeinsteinWilliam Rhoden都既是作家又出版了自己的书。故选B

23What would be the best title for the text D 

AUseful tips for a sports journalist

BHow to be a newspaper columnist

CNewspapers that influence us a lot

DFamous and popular sports writers

解析:主旨大意题。A项意为:对体育记者有用的提示;B项意为:如何成为一名报纸专栏作家;C项意为:对我们影响很大的报纸;D项意为:著名且受欢迎的体育记者;根据文章第一段最后一句话,“Here are five of the most well­known sports writers.” 可知这篇文章主要就是要向我们介绍五位最有名的运动专栏作者。故选D

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