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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小919 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/27 14:38:01
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While the banana is a common fruit we enjoy in our daily lives, have you heard of its relative, the enset banana (埃塞俄比亚蕉)This plant is a main food for more than 20 million people in Ethiopia.Scientists believe that the enset has the potential to provide food for over 100 million people in Africa.This could be a game­changer for addressing the food shortage due to climate change.

However, don't be fooled by its orange fruitsUnlike the banana, the fruits of the enset plant are not eatable, which has earned it the nickname of “false banana”Food made from ensets' roots is especially high in nutrients (营养)

The enset can feed more people per square meter of crop than most cereals (谷物)This makes it a key crop to focus on as the need to maximize the output of agricultural land in Africa grows ever more urgent.When Ethiopia experienced its most serious famine during the 1980s, the enset played a major role in helping communities recover from the famine.The enset is also used in traditional medicine, animal feed and so on.

Because of climate change, unstable temperatures and extreme weather events are posing risks to crop harvests.This threatens to worsen food shortage in many regions of Africa.Scientists believe that the enset can become a major solution for solving this issue.The enset is a very hardy plant, able to have a good harvest at a wide range of temperatures and geographical regions.

While scientists do not foresee it replacing the staple crops in other regions, they hope that the enset can be grown widely in Africa.The enset banana is certainly famous for its unique qualities that have given it the name “the tree against hunger”It is an example of how food production is transforming in our world in the face of climate change.


1Why is the enset called “false banana” A 

ABecause its fruits cannot be eaten.

BBecause its fruits look like oranges.

CBecause its fruits are rich in nutrients.

DBecause its fruits taste differently from bananas.

解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Unlike the banana...of‘false banana’可知,这种香蕉被称为假香蕉是因为它的水果不能吃。故选A

2What makes the enset a key crop in Africa C 

AIts good quality.

BIts multiple purposes.

CIts high output.

DIts predictable future.

解析: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The enset can feed...grows ever more urgent.”可知,埃塞俄比亚蕉是非洲的关键作物是因为它的高产量。故选C

3What does the underlined word “hardy” in Paragraph 4 mean B 

AAccessible.                     BAdaptable.

CAdjustable.                     DAvailable.

解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词下文“able to have a good harvest at a wide range of temperatures and geographical regions”可知,埃塞俄比亚蕉能够适应不同的温度和地域,由此可推知,这是一种适应性强的作物,画线词与“adaptable”意思相近。故选 B

4Which can be a suitable title for the text A 

AEnset: A Tree Against Hunger

BEnset: A Cure for Disease

CEnsetA Replacement of Cereals

DEnset: A Relative of Banana

解析:标题判断题。通读全文,文章讲述了埃塞俄比亚蕉是非洲主要的农作物,因为其独特的品质和高产量在对抗饥饿问题上起着关键作用,被称为对抗饥饿的树,故A (埃塞俄比亚蕉:对抗饥饿的树)最适合作为文章标题。故选A

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