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  • 教材版本人教版(新教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小56 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/27 13:45:22
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Dr Paul Farmer, who died unexpectedly at the age of 62 in Rwanda, was one of the most extraordinary people I have ever known.As co­founder of the global health organization Partners in Health, Paul spent more than 30 years changing the way health care is delivered in the poorest places on earth.

Along the way, his fine mind, big heart, and continuous drive to do good inspired countless others to follow his example.

While still a student at Harvard Medical School in the 1980s, Paul and his colleagues opened a one­room clinic in remote Cange, Haiti, where they not only cared for locals, but trained a team of health workers to serve the surrounding areas.He lived there in a simple home with concrete floors, and no hot water, not so different from the adapted bus he grew up in with his parents in Florida.

Within a few years, the clinic's work gained worldwide notice for bringing tuberculosis(肺结核) under control in the area.Today, Partners in Health operates 16 health institutions in Haiti, and employs a local staff of nearly 7,000.They also operate in 11 other countries, including Rwanda, where they partnered with the government to rebuild the nation's health system.Millions of people are served every year, most of whom live on less than a few dollars a day.

I'm honored to have worked closely with Paul.For 20 years, I watched him make a difference in the poorest places, even in the face of dysfunctional (功能失调的) politics and violence.

Paul's passing is a huge loss to the world.But his voice still rings in our ears.All our lives are passing, but the purpose of living lasts: to lift others and enable them to live and work just as he did—with love, gratitude, and joy.

文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了全球卫生组织健康合作伙伴的联合创始人 Paul(保罗)在海地坎盖创办诊所,控制住了肺结核,并改变了最贫困地区医疗服务方式的故事。

1What can we know about the clinic D 

AIt catches immediate worldwide attention.

BIt is located in Paul's hometown.

CIt is co­founded by Paul and the locals.

DIt treats patients and trains health workers.

解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“While still ...surrounding areas.”可知,诊所不仅治疗当地的病人,还培训了一批医疗工作者。故选D

2Why does the author mention the figures in Paragraph 4 D 

ATo advocate cross­border cooperation.

BTo indicate the difficulties Paul faces.

CTo raise public concern about global health.

DTo highlight Paul's contributions to global health.

解析:推理判断题。根据第四段可知,本段讲解了 Paul控制住了肺结核,并为其他国家人民服务。由此可推知,作者提及那些数据是想进一步突出Paul在面临困难时仍为全球卫生事业做出伟大的贡献。故选 D

3Which of the following best describes Paul B 

ACareful and graceful.

BKind and influential.

CStubborn and sympathetic.

DAggressive and adventurous.

解析:推理判断题。根据第二段“Along the way...to follow his example.”可知, Paul怀抱善意为贫困人群带去了健康医疗的同时,也强烈影响着无数的人。由此可推知, Paul是一个善良又具有极强影响力的人。故选B

4What does Paul's story teach us C 

AWell begun is half done.

BTo live in the moment counts.

CLife is limited, yet kindness lasts.

DHealth matters more than wealth.

解析:推理判断题。通读全文,尤其根据最后一段中的“All our...with love, gratitude, and joy.”可推知,通过 Paul为全球卫生事业做出贡献的故事,文章主要是想教会我们生命有限,但关爱他人却是永恒的这个道理。故选 C

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