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2025版高三一轮复习必修第一册Unit5LanguagesAroundtheWorld提能训练(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2024/6/24 11:14:31
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It is an unpleasant extinction that will change the world and how people communicate: Within 20 years, two thirds of all the planet's languages will be dead.

Experts agree that nothing can stop it happening but one academic is trying her hardest to slow it down.Professor Antonella Sorace is one of a growing number of people who believe learning a second language has enormous untapped benefits for the human brain.This is true not only for young children but also for adults and people at risk from dementia (痴呆), where research consistently shows that learning a new language could delay the start of the disease for 4 to 5 years—a better result than with any medication to date.

It is those benefits of bilingualism (双语) that should encourage us to preserve and protect European minority languages—Gaelic, Manx, Cornish and Ulster Scots, she says.

Already her work and the project she founded in Edinburgh Bilingualism Matters—now expanding across Europe and in the US.—have convinced the Scottish government to introduce languages to primary schools.From 2023 all Scottish children are learning a language other than English in their first year at school, with two other languages to be introduced later.

Bilingualism Matters is also working to encourage businesses to consider the benefits of their staff learning languages.“In business, people say‘English is the language of business, why would I need to learn another language’”said Sorace.“Maybe it would mean you could do better business.”

Just as disappearing forests take with them secrets of undiscovered medicines, disappearing languages can take the key to a longer and better quality of life.The first battle is to unpick the popular assumption that bilingualism might damage children's brains.There were even suggestions it could encourage schizophrenia(精神分裂症)

“Study after study has shown the opposite to be true” says Sorace.“These prejudices are deeply rooted, but we are perhaps halfway to persuading people that the brain can cope.Then we have to persuade people that it is actually of benefit.”


1What will happen to the majority of the world's languages?  A 

AThey will become extinct in decades.

BThey will be learned by more academics.

CThey will prevent the risk of dementia.

DThey will help people better communicate.

解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Within 20 years, two thirds of all the planet's languages will be dead.”可知,世界上大多数语言会在二十年内消亡。故选A

2What's Bilingualism Matters intended to do?  C 

AFind a replacement for English.

BTeach businesses marketing skills.

CPromote minority language learning.

DInfluence governments' policy making.

解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Bilingualism Matters—now expanding across Europe and in the US.—have convinced the Scottish government to introduce languages to primary schools”和第五段中的“Bilingualism Matters is also working to encourage businesses to consider the benefits of their staff learning languages.”可知,Bilingualism Matters在努力推动小语种进入校园和企业,让更多的人去学习小语种,即Bilingualism Matters在推动小语种的学习。故选C

3What's the top priority in preserving minority languages?  D 

AGetting rid of people's fear for mental illnesses.

BFinding the key to promoting people's welfare.

CUnlocking the secrets of undiscovered medicines.

DCorrecting the misconception about bilingualism.

解析:细节理解题。根据第六段第二句“The first battle is to unpick the popular assumption that bilingualism might damage children's brains.”可知,推动更多的人学习小语种的第一步是要消除学习两种语言可能对儿童大脑有害的这一普遍观点,即修正对双语学习的错误观念。故选D

4Which can be the best title for the text?  D 

AThe Benefits of Bilingualism

BThe Founding of Bilingualism Matters

CA New Challenge Facing Language Teaching

DA Professor Fighting to Save Minority Languages

解析:标题归纳题。通读全文,结合第二段中的“Professor Antonella Sorace is one of a growing number of people who believe learning a second language has enormous untapped benefits for the human brain.”和第三段中的“It is those benefits of bilingualism(双语) that should encourage us to preserve and protect European minority languages”可知,本文主要介绍了安东内拉·索拉切教授认为学习第二语言对人类大脑有好处,并致力于保护小语种。故选D

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