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黑龙江省哈尔滨市2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考试题(英语 含答案)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小48 K
  • 更新时间2024/6/3 8:52:41
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Chinese traditional cuisine is popular and respected all over the world. Chinese meals are famous among foreigners for their colors,ingredients and flavors. The following are four of the Chinese dishes known among foreigners. Click here and see how to cook these dishes.
Spring Rolls
TheChinese foodSpring rolls’(Chūnjuǎn)name comes from the SpringFestivalinChina. Spring rolls are an appetizer that is very famous both in China and the rest of the world. They are made of thin dough filled with meat and vegetables, rolled and fried. They are crispy (脆) and very delicious and go in different sizes.
Chow Mein
Chow mein(Chǎomian)is a fried dish with noodles, meat and onions. It has many varieties in different countries. For instance, only in the USA, there are a number of ways to prepare it, depending on the place. It is a most popular Chinese takeout dish. On the East Coast the meal is crispy,while on the West Coast, soft.
Dumplings(Jiǎozi)are one of the most famous and traditional Chinese meals. A dumpling consists of boiled or baked dough filled with meat and vegetables. It has an interesting half-circle shape and curly edges. The filling might be pork,beef and vegetables such as cabbage and onions.
Egg-fried Rice
Egg-fried rice(Dan chǎofan) is one of the most popular dishes in the world. Many people eat it regularly, either at restaurants or prepare it at home. The dish has a strong delicious smell and it’s very easy to cook with eggs, vegetables and so on. It can be found in every Chinese restaurant.
21. Which of the following is related to Chinese New Year according to the text?
A. Spring Rolls.        B. Chow Mein            C. Dumplings.           D. Egg-fried Rice.
22. What do the four dishes have in common?
A. They all have strong smell.              B. They have the same cooking methods.
C. They are all crispy and very delicious.      D. Their ingredients might include vegetables. 
23. Where can we find the passage?
A. In a magazine.       B. On a website.        C. In a travel brochure.    D. In a newspaper.
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