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江苏输容市2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考试题(英语 解析版)
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Camping tips: Which overnight wilderness experience is right for you?
If you’re an experienced backpacker, read no further. This article is for camping rookies, those who have never slept beneath the stars or haven’t pitched a tent since their youth but are seriously thinking about overnighting in the wilderness.
Car camping
At its most basic, car camping involves packing a tent, sleeping bag, fold-up chair, cooler and camp stove into your vehicle and staying at a drive-up campground. Nearly every national park, and many state and county parks and private facilities, offer drive-up campgrounds with restrooms, potable water, fire rings or pits, and maybe even hot showers. So there are lots of choices.
The downside of car camping is the fact that these campgrounds are often packed with other campers. Not a lot of privacy, they can be noisy, and possibly hinder your quest of communing with nature.
No vehicle required; just your feet and a good pair of hiking boots or shoes to get you to the next overnight spot. A multi-day hiking trip is without doubt the most immersive way to experience the great outdoors.
Different from maybe car camping, it requires the least expense and equipment. All you really need are a backpack, sleeping bag, water bottle, small first-aid kit, enough food to last the entire travel. It can be done just about anywhere on the planet.
Boat Camping
While this does involve owning or renting a watercraft or using a ferry or water taxi service to reach the overnight site, camping via canoe, kayak, raft or boat offers a similar get-away-from-it-all adventure as backpacking.
Experienced paddlers and boaters usually prefer to camp on their own along a secluded shoreline. But many adventure or wilderness outfitters offer guided trips that can last anywhere from a couple of days to two or three weeks. With a boat, you can sometimes camp places that not even backpackers can reach.
1. Who are the intended readers?
A. Red-blooded males                          B. White-collar staff
C. Blue-blooded tourists                      D. Green-hand campers
2. What can you learn from the passage?
A. Backpacking allows you to communicate with nature deeply.
B. Car camping is the most economic way to experience nature.
C. The drive-up campgrounds provide people with private environment.
D. Boat camping offers the same adventures as backpacking.
3. In which column will you find this passage?
A. Feature             B. Style               C. Travel              D. Entertainment
【答案】1. D2. A3. C
推理判断题。根据第一段中“This article is for camping rookies, those who have never slept beneath the stars or haven’t pitched a tent since their youth but are seriously thinking about overnighting in the wilderness.(这篇文章是写给露营新手的,这些人从年轻时就没有在星空下睡过觉,也没有搭过帐篷,但他们正在认真考虑在野外过夜)”可推知,这篇文章的目标读者应该是新手露营者。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据Backpacking中“A multi-day hiking trip is without doubt the most immersive way to experience the great outdoors.(多日徒步旅行无疑是体验户外美景的最身临其境的方式)”可知,背包旅行可以让你与自然进行深入的交流。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据文章大意以及标题“Camping tips: Which overnight wilderness experience is right for you?(露营小贴士:哪种过夜的野外体验适合你?)”和第一段“If you’re an experienced backpacker, read no further. This article is for camping rookies, those who have never slept beneath the stars or haven’t pitched a tent since their youth but are seriously thinking about overnighting in the wilderness.(如果你是一个有经验的背包客,不要再往下读了。这篇文章是写给露营新手的,这些人从年轻时就没有在星空下睡过觉,也没有搭过帐篷,但他们正在认真考虑在野外过夜)”可知,文章主要讲的是针对于露营新手的几种露营方式和建议。由此推知,你可能在旅行板块一栏找到这篇文章。故选C项。
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