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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小912 K
  • 更新时间2023/12/22 9:16:55
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2022·福州高中毕业班质检)Tracy Garrett was the Mr Fix­It of a village where I lived for two years.I heard about mysterious doings of his late wifeMinnie.There were stories of someone who had got into trouble a proper amount of money would cureand each ended on the same strange note “ Minnie is in hock again.”

I tried to talk with the locals to solve the mystery.But at a newcomer's spying curiositythe villagers always avoided the issue.It left me completely in the dark.

Soon I began having troubles of my own.My daughter had an expensive operationbut the money I had counted on didn't come in.

One day Garrett came to fix my sinkwhich never worked properly.Working silently for a whilehe looked at me and said“Understand you've been having a little trouble.”I was feeling bitterbut still talked it out.“Then it's time you met Minnie”he said decisively.

I felt a bit scared and was prepared for anythingbut all that happened was that he took out a tired­looking $1000 banknote.Roughly printed on it was MINNIE.

“All you do is take Minnie to the bank and put her up for a loan for any amount up to $1000.You pay the bank their regular rate of interestand then Minnie comes back to me” he continued.“ Minnie loved this villageand she wanted to keep on helping people after she was gone.”

I began to understand why the town folk had been so secretive.They didn't know whether I could be trusted with a secret so precious.

Though I moved away laterI would like to believe Minnie is still in circulation(流通).Minnie strikes me as the kind of woman who goes on for ever.

【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者搬去的村子里总流传着修理工Tracy Garrett已故的妻子Minnie“又被典当了的传说,作者很好奇。直到作者的女儿生病,作者才了解到,原来Minnie去世的时候留下一张银行券,她想要一直帮助人们。

1.Who was Tracy Garrett

A.A banker.                 B.A doctor.

C.A repairman.                      D.A gardener.

解析:推理判断题。根据文章首句和第四段中的“One day Garrett...never worked properly”可以判断,Tracy Garrett是一位修理工。


2.What is Para.2 mainly about

A.Little was reserved for Minnie.

B.The author failed to uncover the mystery.

C.The locals were curious about newcomers.

D.Minnie was talked about a lot in the village.

解析:段落主旨题。根据第二段中的“I tried to talk with the locals to solve the mystery”“It left me completely in the dark”可知,第二段主要讲述了作者试图去找当地人揭开Minnie传说的神秘面纱,但以失败告终。


3.How did the author get out of the trouble

A.He took Minnie to the bank.

B.He turned to Garrett for help.

C.He borrowed money from Minnie.

D.He took out a loan on Minnie's guarantee.

解析:推理判断题。根据第六段中的“take Minnie to...up to $1000”可以推断,作者通过带着“Minnie银行券去银行贷款才解决了自己的困境。


4.Which of the following best conveys the message

A.Kindness is the key that unlocks the heart.

B.He who plants kindness gathers love.

C.A little kindness goes a long way.

D.It is in giving that we receive.

解析:主旨大意题。根据文章大意可知,Tracy Garrett的妻子Minnie想要在去世后继续帮助人们,于是留下一张“银行券”,这张“银行券”帮助了村里很多人以及作者,由此可知,本文主要讲述了一个小小的善举恒久流传的故事。


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