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湖北省部分重点中学2022-2023学年高三上学期10月联考试题 (英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小955 K
  • 更新时间2022/11/9 11:24:32
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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


          Let’s play games from different countries and learn about different cultures.

Otedama (Japan)

          It is played alone with five small sandbags. The player kneels down behind the sandbags, throws one in the air, then uses the same hand to quickly pick up another bag and catch the first. Keep going until you’re holding all five. Too easy? Throw up all the bags and catch them on the back of yourhand.

Fengzheng (China)

          Fengzhengs or kites are believed to have been invented in China during the fifth century BC by Mozi and Lu Ban. By the fifth century AD, paper kites were being used for military purposes such as signaling and measuring distances. These days, locals commonly fly handmade kites to mark the arrival of spring. In Beijing, the kite string is traditionally cut to allow bad luck to be blown away by the wind.

Topfschlagen (Germany)

          Germany is the world’s top exporter of chocolate, so no wonder this game is based on the sweet reward. Put some chocolate under an overturned cooking pot. Kids take turns crawling on the ground blindfolded and lightly strike whatever’s in their path with a wooden spoon. When the spoon hits the pot, the chocolate hunter gathers up the treasure.

EI Gatoy El Raton (Costa Rica)

          It is a favorite group circle game for kids. One plays elgato (the cat); another is elraton (the mouse). The rest hold hands, forming a circle around the mouse. As the group skips and sings “the cat wants to get the mouse”, the cat runs outside the circle trying to touch the mouse. The players forming the circle raise and lower their arms to block the cat, and the mouse runs around to avoid being touched. When the cat “gets” the mouse, start over with a new cat and mouse.

21.   Which game was once used forwars?

          A. Otedama.                                                                B.Fengzheng.

          C.Topfschlagen.                                                                               D. EI Gatoy El Raton.

22.   What is the reward for the Topfschlagenplayers?

          A.Kites.                                       B. Beans.                                    C. Meat.                                     D.Chocolate.

23.   What is special about El Gatoy ElRaton?

          A. It requires at least four players in eachround.

          B. It is related with a country’s top exportedgoods.

          C. It must be played by children and adults together.

          D. It started in the East and spread all around theworld.

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