Explore Peru--to activate students’ own knowledge about Peru.
课时目标:解决 What ,Why and How 培养学生的核心素养。
1. What 本节采用多模态语篇,先通过一段视频让学生简单了解秘鲁的基本情况,然后提
2. Why 让学生了解地理知识,以及介绍秘鲁的基本情况和著名旅游景点。
3. How 通过视频、百科全书、旅游手册,让学生了解秘鲁的著名景点、旅游的最佳时间、
Step I 学习理解
Watch and answer the questions(感知与注意)
1. Before playing the video Welcome to Peru , go through the following questions, and make sure students can understand their meanings.
① which do you prefer to visit ,natural or man-made wonders ?
② could you describe your experience of visiting one of your favorite natural or man-made wonders ?
③ what type traveler are you ? There is more than one answers.
¨ Adventure tourist(you like exciting activities during the journey.)
¨ Backpacker (you like low-cost travel and travelling with a backpack.)
¨ Staycationer(宅家度假者)(you prefer a vocation spent at home or nearby. )
¨ Cultural tourist(you try your best to experience different local cultures during the
¨ Armchair traveler(空谈的旅行家)(you prefer to learn about the world by watching TV
programmes or surfing the Internet at home. )
2. Play the video Welcome to Peru for students,then ask them questions,
1.what did you see in the video?
2.what other sources of information can you find about Peru?