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内蒙古霍林郭勒市第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期12月月考试题 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小959 K
  • 更新时间2022/8/15 8:56:11
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   We should take advantage of each event of sports and develop our skills in sports. But a safe playing area, an emergency plan, some safety equipment and safe techniques for performing should not be ignored.


    Biking is a fun way for children of all ages to get active and stay fit.

  Biking can be an athlete's primary sport, as well as a way for mixed exercises and avoid overuse injuries. Injured athletes often use biking to stay in shape during their recovery.

  Biking injuries can be prevented when the rules of the road are followed by wearing a properly fitted helmet.


   Dance is an artisticathleticexpressiveand social form of physical activity that attracts various people.

  Many forms of dance have physical demands and injury risks. Dance injuries can be prevented under proper supervision(指导)and by obeying the rules and safety guidelines(指导原则)in place for dance.

Horseback Riding 

   Horseback riding is a common activity in the United States.Unlike other sportsthe risk of injury is the highest for the most inexperienced riders.Most horseback riding injuries happen when a rider falls or is thrown from a horse.

   Horseback riding injuries can be prevented when riders use the appropriate equipment and follow safety guidelinesand after the rider has gained more experience.


   Rowing is a lifelongyear-round sport. Most rowing injuries are due to the repetitive(重复的) motions of the sport and they can be prevented when athletes use the appropriate(适当的) safety equipment and safety guidelines are followed.

21. Which event is the most suitable for the saying "Practice makes perfect."?

A.Biking            B.Rowing       C.Dance           D.Horseback Riding
22. What can we learn about rowing?

A.It helps develop people's abilities in sports.    

B. It requires some special safety equipment.

C.It can be played in different seasons of a year.  

D.It might build up one's body and confidence.

23. Which event can help those who are returning to normal health?

A.Biking      B.Dance        C.Rowing                D.Horseback Riding
24. What is the purpose of the author's writing the passage?

A.To advise people to find pleasure in sports.    

B.To warn people to be careful when doing sports.

C.To remind people to avoid getting injured in sports. 

D.To encourage people to take part in various sports.

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