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湖北省秭归县第二高级中学2021-2022学年高一上学期开学测试试卷 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高一年级
  • 文件大小952 K
  • 更新时间2022/7/6 16:11:50
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One night Peter received a call from his social worker asking, “Can you take in an 11-year-old boy just for the weekend?" It was just a few days after he had said goodbye to two brothers he was fostering(收养), so he told the social worker that his heart was deeply saddened by the loss of the two boys that had just been reunited with their birth parents. Peter thought he didn't have enough energy left to care for another child at the moment. But the worker convinced him.

The social worker arrived at his home with the boy at 6 am after driving five hours from another county. There is a huge shortage of foster families in Oklahoma so when a child enters the foster care system, social workers are often forced to place the children outside of the county of origin, often removing the child from the only place he or she has ever known. Add in the fact that older children are much more difficult to place.

Peter asked why Anthony, the boy, was in foster care. Then he knew that the boy had been abandoned(抛弃)by his mother when he was 2. He was then placed with a family. But almost ten years later, the family abandoned him at the hospital. Peter was shocked," It's like my life!”

The two have been together ever since. And on the 12th of November, Anthony finally got to share Peter's last name officially. However, Peter didn't stop fostering kids. “It's hard to be a single foster dad but it's worth every minute of it. We are about to have another child next month and we are excited.”

1.What can we infer about Peter from the first paragraph?

A. He is rich.

B. He is kind.

C. He is busy.

D. He is brave.

2. Why did the social worker drive a long way to send the boy to Peter?

A. Peter asked him to do so.

B. He knew Peter liked the boy.

C. Peter lived in the boy's birthplace.

D. He couldn't find a foster family locally.

3. What do Peter's words in Paragraph 3 show?

A. He likes his present life.

B. He worked at the hospital.

C. He wanted to have a family.

D. He also had a poor childhood.


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