To improve a high schoolers chance of getting into a top university, the summer programs allow young students to explore fields of interest and get a taste of college life.
Telluride Association Summer Program (TASP)
TASP is a six-week program allowing high school freshman from around the world to grow their sense of interpersonal awareness and community responsibility. It's completely free, including the cost of tuition, books and even travel.
Minority Introduction to Engineering and Science (MITES)
This week-long program aimed at all US high school students can help them develop the skills necessary for future job in engineering while learning about the value and reward of acquiring advanced technical degrees. MITES is free—the only expense is the transportation to and from MIT.
Clark Scholar Program (CSP)
High school students coming from across the globe are offered the unique opportunity to gain hands-on research experience in mathematics field while working one on one with teaching staff over four intense weeks. Everything is free for chosen applicants except their meals.
The seven-week one brings high school freshman and sophomores from various backgrounds together for participating in sessions and workshops led by notable journalists where students can get hands-on training in journalism. JCamp is free if selected-participants only need to pay for the board.
1. What can be expected of MITES?
A. It is accessible to worldwide students.
B. It lays a foundation for career prospect.
C. It makes no extra charge for transportation.
D. It awards students advanced technical degrees.
2. Which program is suitable for a UK high schooler with up to 5 spare weeks?
3. What is the shared goal of the programs?
A. To seek for one-on-one instruction.
B. To develop a sense of social duty.
C. To get participants better prepared for college.
D. To advertise some majors of the top universities.