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江西省新余市一中2022届高三上学期第二次模拟考试试题 (英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2022/6/6 16:33:21
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Belgium is a destination that appeals to travelers who want to enjoy the good life and the friendliness of Belgians.

Heart of Europe

The Kingdom of Belgium is in the northwest of Europe. However, the country has long been regarded as the heart of Europe, which serves as the capital of the European Union. As a result, more than 1,400 international organizations and companies set up their headquarters there.

Cartoon kingdom

Belgium is truly a “cartoon kingdom”. It is said one in every three cartoonists in the world is Belgian. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is just like a castle in a fairy tale. Cartoon bookstores, cartoon museums, and cartoon gift shops can be seen almost everywhere.


Belgians love chocolates. The average annual consumption of chocolates per person is 6.8kg. The fragrant and creamy chocolates made in Belgium have seized so many people’s hearts with their unique flavors. If you don’t know what brands to choose, maybe the ones specially made for royal families are a good choice.


Belgian people are as good at cooking as they are at making beers. No wonder that Belgian food is as good as French food. Brussels alone has more than 2,000 restaurants, providing all kinds of delicacies from every part of Belgium.

1. Why do so many international companies set up their headquarters in Brussels?

A. Because it is a cartoon kingdom.                               B. Because it is the heart of Europe.

C. Because it is the capital of Belgium.                           D. Because it is in the northwest of Europe.

2. What can we learn about Belgium?

A. It serves food in French flavor.                                 B. Most cartoonists are from Belgium.

C. Belgians are famous for making beers.                       D. Royal families consume 6.8kg of chocolates annually.

3. What’s the writing purpose of this text?

A. To advertise Belgium as a travel destination.               B. To make known the importance of Brussels.

C. To compare Belgian food with French food.               D. To introduce living conditions in Belgium.

【答案】1. B    2. C    3. A




细节理解题。根据第二段中However, the country has long been regarded as the heart of Europe, which serves as the capital of the European Union. As a result, more than 1,400 international organizations and companies set up their headquarters there.(然而,这个国家一直被认为是欧洲的心脏,是欧盟的首都。1400多个国际组织和企业在这里设立了总部)可知,许多跨国公司把总部设在布鲁塞尔因为它是欧洲的心脏。故选B


细节理解题。根据最后一段中Belgian people are as good at cooking as they are at making beers.(比利时人擅长烹饪就像他们擅长酿造啤酒一样)可知,比利时人以酿造啤酒而闻名。故选C


推理判断题。根据第一段Belgium is a destination that appeals to travelers who want to enjoy the good life and the friendliness of Belgians.(比利时是想要享受比利时人的美好生活和友好的游客的目的地)结合文章主要介绍了比利时的地理位置、卡通、巧克力和美食等情况。可推知,文章的写作目的是宣传比利时为旅游目的地。故选A

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