Stories are loved by people of all ages. Stories for kids play a major role in shaping theirpersonalities. Below is a list of some of the best short stories for kids that we’re sure that yourchild wouldenjoyreading:
Most children stories significantly focus on teaching morals to kids. Panchatantra stories forkids are designed with the same motive. These are the oldest short moral stories for kids. TheseamazingsmallstoriesforkidsinEnglishfromPanchatantrahavereachedanaudienceworldwide. To attract your kids with exciting stories, we provide you with our versions of someofthemostfamous andlovedPanchatantraStories forkids.
Fairy Tales stories are loved by kids. The world of fantasy attracts everyone. These childrenstories give them a chance to leap into a world full of possibilities and imagination as well asmoral lessons. They build their own versions of the fairies. Thus, such short stories for kids inEnglishcanbuildbettercreativityinchildren.
MoralStoriesforKids inEnglish
Moral stories for children are those stories that convey moral values, which are crucialduring their upbringing. Usually, moral stories for kids convey principles such as love, respect,honesty,virtues,etc.totheirreaders.Shortmoralstoriesforkidsfillkidswithabetter
For generations, Akbar Birbal Stories have been enjoyed thoroughly by every kid. Akbarand Birbal Stories are a great combination of fun, wit, humour and moral values. These Englishstoriesforkidsentertain,bring smilesandteach life lessonsin effortlessways.
1. Whoisthetext intendedfor?
A. Kids. B.Teachers. C.Parents. D.Storywriters.
2. Whichstoriescanencouragechildren’sinnovativethinking?
A. FairyTalesStories.
B. AkbarBirbalStories.
C. PanchatantraStoriesinEnglish.
D. MoralStoriesforKidsinEnglish.
3. Whatdothesestorieshaveincommon?
A. Theyconveymoralvalues.
B. Theyarehumorousandamusing.
C. Someversionsarewrittenbykids.
D. Theyarestoriesforpeople ofallages.