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  • 资源类别试卷
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  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小967 K
  • 更新时间2022/6/6 15:48:56
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I was about to sleep when someone knocked on my window. Knock, knock. Then a three-second pause. Knock, knock. Immediately I knew it was my best friend, Ben. The knock 1               was our emergency call which never means anything good.

"What's going on?" I rushed to open the window and asked.

Ben climbed in. "Bad news." He gave me a 2             look, and I immediately knew what it was. My heart 3              .1 gave him a nod, and he sighed in response.

Where to?” I asked.


“That's far from Florida.”

We looked at each other knowing we were thinking the same. Both Ben and I had parents in the air­force. We were used to frequent moves.

Ben and I became close friends since I crashed into Ben's stand and sent plastic cups of lemonade flying into the heavens. At first, I 4               Florida. Everything changed, though, when I 5                 roller­skated into Ben's lemonade stand.

"It must have been fate!" we claimed. But I think that, maybe, there was some 6                    in that lemonade, and that as it rained down on us, it cast a spell making us friends forever.

"Maybe your family will get moved to Virginia too." Ben said.

"Yeah, maybe.I knew the chance was low, but I chose to hope.

Ben grinned at me. Though it looked sad, I saw 7                   in him too.

“I'll have a lemonade stand 8                   for you.”

"Then I'll pack my roller-skates.”

"Then I'll wear a poncho (雨披).”

We 9                       . The humid Florida night closed around us, and I felt a tiny drop of liquid splash on my arm. I knew it was probably rain, but still, I thought that, maybe, it was a drop of magic lemonade, because nothing on earth can break the 10              between us.

1. A. sound     B. pattern          C. number       D. symbol

2. A. playful       B. grateful     C. cheerful     D. meaningful

3. A. failed        B. softened     C. sank         D. relieved

4. A. hated     B. missed           C. explored     D. appreciated

5. A. gradually     B. narrowly     C. constantly       D. accidentally

6. A. sign      B. magic        C. flavour          D. wish

7. A. hope      B. joy          C. courage      D. support

8. A. necessary     B. convenient       C. ready            D. useful

9. A. struggled     B. argued           C. laughed      D. compromised

10. A. rule     B. bond         C. barrier          D. balance  


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