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Bronx Zoo

Excited to explore this zoo already? Well, save your dates and plan your trip to the US with TravelTriangle right away and let the kids within your joy. The Bronx Zoo is definitely one of the best places to visit in the USA. We are sure that you would have the best time ever!

The Size

The Bronx Zoo is among the biggest zoos in the US, measuring 265 acres or over 100 hectares. It is literally so big that you may find it difficult to explore it all in just a day. Not only is it big in terms of size but it's the largest zoo in the US by number of animals as well. As of 2020, it had 4, 000 animals of over 600 species. Some of them include fennec foxes, bald eagles, collared lemurs and Komodo dragons.


The Bronx zoo in the USA is located at 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460.

The Tickets Cost

Tickets to the zoo in the US cost $28 for children, $37 for adults(13 years and over). Entry for children aged two and under is free. You can also go on group tours led by trained expedition leaders. It costs $125 for a group of up to 5 people.

Open Time

Bronx Zoo is open from 10 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday and 10 am to 5.30 pm on weekends and holidays. All animal exhibits end half an hour before the park closes.

The Best Attractions

21. How much will a couple with a 3-year-old boy pay to enter the zoo?

A. $74.      B. $93.       C. $102.      D.$125.

22. When should a child stop interacting with the fennec foxes on weekends?

A. At 10 am.      B. 4:30 pm.      C. 5 pm.      D. 5:30 pm.

23. Which attraction opens to the public for the longest time?

A. Butterfly Garden.     B. Children's Zoo.    C. Jungle world.     D. Congo Gorilla Forest.

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