1.悲伤的:sad → heartbroken, depressed, frustrated
2.富有的:rich → wealthy, welloff
3.穷的:poor → needy, in poverty
4.开心的:happy → cheerful, delighted
5.聪明的:clever → smart, intelligent, sharpminded
6.苦难的:difficult → tough, challenging, stressful
7.巨大的:big → enormous, vast, massive
8.美丽的:beautiful → eyecatching, goodshaped, appealing, charming
9.最便宜的:the cheapest → the least expensive
10.害怕的:afraid → frightened, scared, panicstricken
11.不同的:different → various, diverse, a variety of
12.粗鲁的:rude → impolite
13.疲劳的:tired → worn out, exhausted
14.有益的:helpful → beneficial, profitable, rewarding
15.严重的:serious → severe
16.勇敢的:brave → fearless, bold, courageous
17.出名的:famous → notable, renowned, noticeable
18.明显的:clear → obvious, evident, apparent
19.少量的:a bit of → a small quantity/number/amount of
20.重要的:important → significant, essential, vital, of great importance, of great significance