1.nervous adj. 紧张的;情绪不安的
2.anxiety n. 焦虑
3.fear n. 害怕, 恐惧
4.horror n. 恐怖, 恐惧, 惊恐
5.tonguetied adj. 窘迫无语的;羞窘结舌的
6.feel like sitting on pins and needles 感觉如坐针毡
7.quiver with fear 由于恐惧而发抖
8.with a blank mind 头脑一片空白
9.have my heart in my mouth 我的心提到嗓子眼儿
10.scare the pants of me 吓死我了
11.make my hair stand on end 吓得我毛骨悚然
12.be scared to death 吓得要死
13.turn pale (脸色)变得苍白
14.wait in fear and trembling 胆战心惊地等待
15.have ants in one's pants 坐立不安