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湖北省鄂东南省级示范高中教育教学改革联盟学校2022届高三上学期期中联考试题 (英语)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小963 K
  • 更新时间2022/5/19 14:16:54
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Cambridge Day Trip

TRIP                                     Cambridge Day Trip

GROUPS                               MAT, (MA) MAT&MGE1

DATE                                    Saturday 8th August

MEET                                    9. 00 a. m. Theatre Royal

                                              9. 15a. m. UEA: Earlham Road/University Drive lay-by

       Emergency number: 07775165799

       Cambridge: Founded in 1209, the University of Cambridge is the fourth-oldest university in the world. It is a globally diverse institution and the students come from over 147 different countries. The researchers collaborate with colleagues worldwide, and the University has established partnerships in Asia, Africa, the Americas and Europe. Cambridge is a wonderful university city with lots to start an exploration of including the famous colleges, punting on the river Cam, galleries and museums and lots of shopping

       Pick up: You will be arriving in Cambridge by coach from Norwich. Meet outside Theatre Royal on Theatre Street, behind The Forum where the guided tour started. Take the bus to St Stephens Street or Castle Meadow and walk up Rampant Horse Street from Marks Spencer/Debenhams. This street then becomes Theatre Street. Alternatively, at UEA, meet at the turnaround at the corner of Earlham Road and University Drive, near University Village (see campus map) The same coach will leave promptly from Theatre Royal at 9. 00and UEA at 9. 15, so please be on time.

       Further Details: The journey should take approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. On arrival there will be an opportunity to take a guided tour of the University City, which will offer some background information about the college system, The tour will last approximately 1 hour. The rest of the day will bey ours to spend as you wish. You will be provided with a map of Cambridge information about places of interest and popular places to eat and drink. We will return from Queens Road at 17. 00.

21. What can you explore in Cambridge?

       A. Galleries and campus.                                         B. The famous colleges and the theatre.

       C. Shops and River Thames.                                    D. Museums and libraries.

22. Where can you take the coach to Cambridge?

       A. At the Forum.              B. At UEA                        C. At Queens Road.          D. At Castle Meadow.

23. How long can you probably take an unguided tour around Cambridge?

       A. 5 hours and a quarter.                                         B. 5 hours.

       C. 6 hours.                                                            C. 6 hours and a quarter.


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