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(人教版)2021-2022学年选修7学案:Unit 2 Section Ⅰ Warming UpPre-reading & Reading (英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别学案
  • 教材版本新人教版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1247 K
  • 更新时间2022/4/12 17:50:16
    下载统计今日0 总计0
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British scientists have invented a set of robotic arms.  They  can  cook meals for you.

The price of the device is about 10000. It includes an ovena hoba dishwasher and a sink.

Scientists spent almost 18 years developing the hands. Each hand is governed by 24 motors, 26 micro­controllers and 129 sensors. The arms can chop and stir to recreate almost anything you would like to eat. The food may be a simple home­cooked supper, or a wonderful dinner designed by a world­class chef.

The hands move a little slowly. Whenever they aren't busy, they may hang strangely above the work surface. They can imitate human movements such as wiping a spoon on the edge of a pan to prevent drips. The arms will tuck up when not in usemaking space for their owners.

People can train the robotic arms to cook their favorite family recipes by showing them a few times while wearing high­tech gloves and wrist­bands.

Users will also be able to “order” dinner on their way homeor breakfast when they wake up, using an app on their smart phones. Choosing recipes depends on the food materials at home. They will also be able to choose dishes based on their nutritional contents.

The cook chef has emergency equipment in case there's a fire. All the things which are possible with robotic hands are possible here. There is no limitation. This invention will create an opportunity for people to enjoy good food at a reasonable price.


1device n.                                         设备,装置

2hob n.                                            炉盘

3sink n.                                           洗碗槽

4imitate vt.                                      模仿

5drip n.                                           水滴

6tuck up                                          卷起来



1The robotic arms can do all the following except________

Acooking meals

Bchopping meat

Ctucking up

Deating meals

2Would you like to buy such robotic arms for your familyWhy?


[答案] 1.D

2Yes, because they can prepare us nutritional dishes and save us much trouble as well.

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