My seatmate②, James, whose parents have been teaching① English in Guangzhou for ten years, comes② from the United States, which is③ one of the most developed countries in the world. He as well as his parents enjoys④ living in Guangzhou because neither James nor his parents find⑤ it difficult to adapt to the life in China. In their opinion, many a custom here is⑥ easy to understand and ten years is⑦ enough for them to get used to all the customs.
I, together with James, extremely like⑧ English but physics seems⑨ rather difficult for us. Besides, both he and I are⑩ very fond of reading story books, and the Arabian Nights is? one of the most interesting books that have been read? by us.
Our class is united as a big family. Now the class are? preparing for the coming sports meet, so large quantities of our recent time have been spent? on it. What we need is? a qualified coach because being trained properly is? of great importance. We each are all aware that each of us plays? an important role in our class. We have decided to hold a celebration if getting a good result but when and where we are going to hold it hasn't been decided?.