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上海市静安区2021届高三下学期第二次模拟试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 更新时间2021/10/11 14:27:34
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II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Scientists confirmed Monday that a skeleton (骷髅) found under a carpark in the English city of Leicester was that of King Richard III, in a weird end to a 500-year-old mystery.

DNA from the bones ______21______ (match) that of existing generation of the king’s sister and the skeleton had the battle injuries consistent ______22______ contemporary accounts.

The remains of the king, viewed as one of English history’s worst guys, will be reburied later in the local church.

The discovery has caused huge excitement among historians, as it provides firm evidence about a ruler whose life ______23______ (shadow), in spite of official records, by rumours (谣言) concerning his cold blood since his death at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.

According to historical accounts, Richard’s body was transported naked and bloody on the back of a pack horse to Leicester before being buried in an unmarked grave at Greyfriars, a Franciscan temple in the central English city.

Then the crown passed to the Tudor rulers who painted Richard as an ugly bad guy who stopped at ______24______ in his pursuit of power, even murdering his two young nephews, the so-called Princes in the Tower, ______25______ (secure) the power.

The hunt for his body began years ago when archaeologists (考古学家) started to dig beneath the municipal carpark ______26______ the king was supposedly buried. They finally found the skeleton.

On Monday archaeologists said the skeleton confirmed that the king had severe injury in the backbone. It may have been painful and caused his right shoulder to appear higher than his left, but there was no evidence of the deformed arm ______27______ (mention) in Shakespeare’s “Richard III”.

Historians now hope to clear some of the myths about Richard, ______28______ (publicize) evidence to argue against the claim that he killed the two young princes. They intend to focus on ______29______ Richard achieved in his brief two-year ruling, including the establishment of a system of legal aid.

According to Philippa Langley, a member of the Richard III Society, ________30________ cruel Richard III appeared to be in the past, a new image will emerge of the king. “We have searched for Richard and we have found him. Now it’s time to honour him,” she said.

【答案】21. matched   

22. with    23. has been shadowed   

24. nothing   

25. to secure   

26. where    27. mentioned   

28. publicizing   

29. what    30. however

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