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山东省烟台市2021届高三适应性练习二模试题二(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1011 K
  • 更新时间2021/10/11 13:55:30
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The Best Books to Give as Graduation Gifts

Any recent graduate will enjoy reading through these books that make excellent graduation gifts

This Is Water by David Foster Wallace

Perfect forAll gradsHere’s whyDavid Foster Wallace only delivered one graduation address in his careerand his message was so lasting that the entire speech was published in hardcoverWhat’s unique about Wallace’s wordsThough he warns graduates of the ordinariness of day-to-day adult lifehe reminds them that their newly acquired skills can help them maintain awareness and sympathy as they move forward for success   

Bounce by Matthew Syed

Perfect forBoth artists and athletesHere’s whyIn this optimistic guide to successthe United Kingdom table tennis champion Syed combines detailed research with his own experiences to backhand the general perception that talent is merely based on genetics(基因)In studying the achievements of great artistscomposersand athletesSyed finds they have one thing in commonhoursand hoursand hours of practice—about 10000 hours each

Leave Your Mark by Aliza Licht

Perfect forThe ambitious recent-grad trying to figure out how to make itHere’s whyThis is not just a career advice bookbut a whole instructor in novel formFamous fashion communications executive(总监)Aliza Licht shares her secrets for successful personal branding(品牌)and how to do well as someone just starting their careerIt’s just like meeting someone for coffee and career advice but in written form  

Rising Strong by Brené Brown

Perfect forPeople looking for ways to handle rejection betterHere’s whyRejection is part of lifebut it takes time to learn how to handle itIn this advice—filled bookBrené Brown teaches readers how to make the most out of rejections and failures that unavoidably happenReading it will make you view rejection emails in a new light

1. What message is conveyed in the book This Is Water?

A. Treasure every critical moment in life

B. Learn to expand the comfort zone

C. Keep mastering various skills

D. Dig into recipes for success

2. What can we learn from the book Bounce?

A. Constant dropping wears the stone

B. Hope for the bestprepare for the worst

C. A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step

D. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom

3. Whose book is targeted at an unsuccessful jobseeker?

A. David Foster Wallace                     B. Matthew Syed

C. Aliza Licht                              D. Brené Brown

【答案】1. C    2. A    3. D




细节理解题。根据This Is Water by David Foster Wallace中的he reminds them that their newly acquired skills can help them maintain awareness and sympathy as they move forward for success.可知,他提醒他们,新获得的技能可以帮助他们在迈向成功的过程中保持意识和同情心。由此可知,This Is Water传达出的信息是不断掌握各种技能。故选C项。


推理判断题。根据Bounce by Matthew Syed中的In studying the achievements of great artistscomposersand athletesSyed finds they have one thing in commonhoursand hoursand hours of practice—about 10000 hours each可知,在研究伟大的艺术家、作曲家和运动员的成就时,赛义德发现他们有一个共同之处:时间,时间,练习时间——每个人大约1万个小时的练习时间。由此可知,从Bounce这本书中,我们能学到滴水穿石。故选A项。


细节理解题。根据Rising Strong by Brené Brown中的In this advicefilled bookBrené Brown teaches readers how to make the most out of rejections and failures that unavoidably happenReading it will make you view rejection emails in a new light可知,在这本充满建议的书中,Brené Brown教授读者如何从不可避免的拒绝和失败中获得最大的收获。阅读它会让你从一个新的角度看待拒绝邮件。由此可知,Brené Brown的书是针对不成功的求职者的。故选D项。

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