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(新人教版)2022高三一轮复习第一部分教材知识突破选修7Unit4Sharing课时跟踪一练而就(英语 解析版)
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  • 文件大小942 K
  • 更新时间2021/8/18 18:39:41
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Christin Gilmer was once an excellent student in the sixth­grade classroom of Judith Toensing. At the end of the year, Toensing included an extraordinary message on Gilmer's report card   1  “It has been a joy to have you in class. Keep up the good work, and invite me to your Harvard   2 

She just had the passion (激情) to go   3   and make a difference. And I just wanted to set the   4   and set the bar high” said Toensing.

Gilmer   5   that message for the next twenty years. After receiving her undergraduate degree, Gilmer   6   made her way to Harvard.

I had always had a(n)   7   of it and carried it with me” Gilmer said about the   8  . “Anytime I was having anxiety or   9   with some cruel injustices in the  world,  or even just  kind  of doubting  myself,  it  helps  me  to  remember her   10 

After overcoming so many difficulties, and finally   11   it to graduation, Gilmer knew who she needed to   12 

Gilmer recently traveled back to her hometown of Yuma, Arizona to pay a(n)   13   visit to her favorite teacher and deliver the invitation in person.

I would have been there, with no difficulty” said Toensing. “I  would have grown feathers to get there.”

That wouldn't be   14  because the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health paid for her airfare to Boston. When it was time for Gilmer to graduate, her teacher from over two decades ago watched her walk across the   15   and accept her doctorate in public health.

Harvard Dean Michelle Williams even offered a   16   thank you to Toensing in her speech.

I can't think of a better way to pay respect or show   17    to Judith Toensing. She   18   me so much” said Gilmer.

As a teacher, it's the perfect example of everything we try to   19   in the classroom” said Toensing, who couldn't be prouder of her   20   student.

【语篇解读】 Judith Toensing是一名老师,正是她当年的一句话激励了她的一名学生成功进入了哈佛大学深造。为了表示对恩师的感激之情,这名学生特意把Judith Toensing请来参加自己的毕业典礼。

1A.explaining                     Breading

Cannouncing                       Dpraising

解析:选B 由语境可知,空处表示Gilmer的报告卡上写道。故选B

2A.graduation                     Bwedding

Canniversary                      Dcelebration

解析:选A 由第五段的“to graduation”可知,A项正确。故选A

3A.down                           Boff

Caround                           Dforward

解析:选D 分析语境及选项可知,go forward意为取得进步,符合语境。故选D

4A.pace                           Bdate

Cscene                            Dgoal

解析:选D 该句是老师解释当时留言的意图,即老师想让自己的学生树立一个比较高的目标。故选D

5A.added to                       Bleft behind

Cheld onto                        Dsneezed at

解析:选C 由下文可知, Gilmer 20年来一直都还保留着那条信息, hold onto意为保存,符合该句语境。故选C

6A.eventually                     Bsuddenly

Cunwillingly                      Dmysteriously

解析:选A 由下文内容可知,此处是指在本科毕业后,Gilmer终于进入了哈佛大学。故选A

7A.imagination                    Bunderstanding

Cmodel                            Dpicture

解析:选D 由空处后半句可知,选项中只有picture能随身携带。故选D

8A.book                           Bnote

Cexercise                         Dwarning

解析:选B book意为note意为便条exercise意为练习warning意为警告。由上文内容可知,老师给Gilmer的最有可能是便条。故选B

9A.competing                      Bstarting

Cstruggling                       Dcomparing

解析:选C 由并列结构可知,此处是指“Gilmer与世界上一些残酷的不公平的现象进行斗争。故选C

10A.lessons                       Bwords

Ccomments                         Dsuggestions

解析:选B 分析语境可知,空处是说在困难时候,Gilmer随身携带的写有老师鼓励话语的照片帮助她记住老师的话。故选B

11A.making                        Bsending

Ctaking                           Daccompanying

解析:选A 由上文克服了许多困难可知,空处是说“Gilmer成功毕业了make it意为获得成功。故选A

12A.respect                       Bcongratulate

Cinvite                           Dcomfort

解析:选C 由上文可知,在求学的过程中老师的话时时刻刻激励着Gilmer,且根据前文提到的老师的评语可知,在毕业之际,Gilmer邀请老师来参加她的毕业典礼。故选C

13A.surprise                      Bbusiness

Cangel                            Dreturn

解析:选A 由语境可知,这件事情对老师来说是个惊喜。故选A

14A.possible                      Bnecessary

Ceasy                             Dimportant

解析:选B 上文说老师欣然接受了学生的邀请,由此推知, that指代上老师说的那句话,且从下文可知,学校为老师购买了机票,所以老师长出羽毛是没有必要的。故选B

15A.classroom                     Bplayground

Claboratory                       Dstage

解析:选D 由常识可知,毕业典礼一般都在舞台上举行。故选D

16A.quick                         Bserious

Cpersonal                         Dridiculous

解析:选C 由下文可知,院长在发言时对Gilmer的老师表示了感谢,这是以个人名义表达的。故选C

17A.thanks                        Bemotions

Ccourage                          Dcompromise

解析:选A 从上文可知,正是Judith Toensing的评语激励Gilmer战胜困难,所以学生对老师怀有感激之情。故选A

18A.missed                        Bpleased

Cinfluenced                       Dinterested

解析:选C 由上文可知,学生在遇到困难时,是老师的话帮助她战胜困难,最后进入哈佛学习,并且顺利毕业。所以此处是指老师对学生的影响很大。故选C

19A.prepare                       Baccomplish

Cdiscourage                       Davoid

解析:选B 由空前的“perfect example”可知,作为老师的Judith也以此为傲,觉得这是投身于教育事业的自己想要获得的成就。故选B

20A.warm­hearted                  Beasy­going

Cfamous                           Dformer

解析:选D 由全文内容可知,此处是指老师对之前教过的学生感到无比的骄傲。故选D

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