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宁夏银川市第二中学2019-2020学年高二上学期期末考试试题(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小1037 K
  • 更新时间2021/2/5 17:10:22
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Falls are common in young children and older people. Although most result in mild bumps and bruisessome falls can cause serious injuries that require immediate medical attention.

What to do

Do not move the person and call for emergency help if the person

may have seriously injured the headneckbackhip bones or thighs

is unconscious or was briefly unconscious

is having difficulty breathing

isnt breathing (starts CPR)

has a seizure(癫痫突然发作)

has clear fluid or blood coming from the noseears or mouth

Call a doctor or seek medical attention if the person

becomes very sleepy and is very difficult to wake up

brings up more than two or three times

complains of neck or back pains

complains of increasing pain anywhere on the body

isnt walking normally

doesnt seem to be focusing his or her eyes normally

has any behavior or symptoms that worry you

If you think its safe to move the person

place a cold compress(敷布) or ice pack on any bumps or bruises

give acetaminophen(解热镇痛药) for pain

let the person restas neededfor the next few hours

watch the person closely for the next 24 hours for any unusual symptoms or behavior

Never leave young children on any bed or other furniture unsupervised(未监督)Always strap(用带捆住) children into high chairschanging tablesshopping cartsand strollers. Always buckle(扣住) kids into age­appropriate safety seats when riding in motor vehiclesand make sure they always wear helmets when biking or skating or when using skateboards or scooters(踏板车)

21What is the text mainly about?

AFalls cant cause serious injuries.     BWays to deal with falls.

CWays to prevent falls.                DFalls happen to kids.

22If a person bleeds from his mouth after the accidentwhat should you do?

AShake him forth and back.             BMove him to another place.

CGive him some medicine to have.       DLet him stay where he is.

23Which of the following will be the best title for the last paragraph?

APrevent Your Kids                     BPlace Furniture Well

CWear Helmets                          DPrevent Falls

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