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(北师大版)2021高考一轮统考复习第一编Book5Unit15Learning课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小948 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 13:33:54
    下载统计今日0 总计2
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 (原创题)My experience with writing has not been a smooth one. During my elementary school I __1__ dysgraphia (书写困难). Writing was definitely the worst task to me. It was too __2__ to remember all the instructions the teachers were giving, like spellings and the __3__ of capital and small letters. It became almost impossible to __4__ how to spell words.

It took me too long to be able to write even very __5__ stories. For a long time, I felt that both my teachers and parents did not __6__ my situation. I tried many times to __7__ this challenge but even after a long __8__ my work was still full of __9__.

As I progressed through school, my teachers were so much __10__ with my inability to combine tasks. More often, they asked me to do more of __11__ practices than any other. There were many writing __12__ ranging from homework assignments and class work to journals, note taking quizzes, tests and papers.

As I __13__ from one stage to the next, I realized that I had to __14__ because even the initially standardized tests were moving towards fewer multiple choices questions, __15__ answers in the form of paragraphs and essays. __16__ I started experiencing improvements and I could easily __17__ notes to my friends.

With numerous practices and experiences through my high school and now in college, my __18__ in writing has greatly improved. Today I can easily __19__ more important and complex tasks like writing important letters, reports, book analysis, term papers and essays. My ability to choose __20__ words, tones and formats while observing the rules of grammar has also greatly improved.


1.A.researched                         Bfeared

C.learned                              Ddeveloped

答案:D 结合下文的“Writing was definitely the worst task to me.”可知,作者患有书写困难症。develop有表示“患()”的意思。

2.A.important                          Bhard

C.pleasant                             Dnecessary

答案:B 与前面的“the worst task”和“dysgraphia (书写困难)”呼应,指作者记住老师给出的指导非常困难(hard)

3.A.rule                               Bdifference

C.use                                  Dorder

答案:C 根据后面的“of capital and small letters”可知,指拼写和使用(use)大小写字母的规则等。

4.A.think about                        Bset aside

C.write down                           Dfind out

答案:A 与上文的“remember all the instructions the teachers were giving”呼应,指作者难以想象出(think about)怎样去拼写单词。

5.A.funny                              Bserious

C.interesting                          Dshort

答案:D 与上文“It took me too long to be able to write”中的long形成对比,作者即使写短小(short)的故事,也会花费很长的时间。

6.A.analyze                            Bunderstand

C.improve                              Dmind

答案:B 作者感到老师和父母都不理解(understand)他的情况。

7.A.overcome                           Baccept

C.consider                             Dignore

答案:A 根据下文“but even after a long __8__ my work was still full of __9__”可知,作者努力了好多次来克服(overcome)这个困难。

8.A.pursuit                            Bvocation

C.struggle                             Dwait

答案:C 作者经过了长时间的奋斗(struggle)

9.A.burdens                            Bmysteries

C.mistakes                             Dsecrets

答案:C 由上文描述作者患的疾病可知,经过努力,他的书写仍然存在着很多的错误(mistake)

10.A.amazed                            Bpleased

C.disappointed                         Dconcerned

答案:D 根据后面的“with my inability to combine tasks”可知,老师们非常关心(concerned)作者的书写能力。

11.A.listening                         Bwriting

C.reading                              Dspeaking

答案:B 上文反复地提到了writing,此处表示老师们让作者进行了大量的书写练习。

12.A.requirements                      Bbooks

C.comments                             Dlessons

答案:A 根据后面的“ranging from homework assignments and class work to journals, note taking quizzes, tests and papers”和前面的“do more of writing practices”可知,此处指有大量的写作要求(requirement)

13.A.travelled                         Bfollowed

C.moved                                Djumped

答案:C 根据后面的“from one stage to the next”可知,作者从一个阶段走向(move)另外一个阶段。

14.A.worry                             Bchoose

C.quit                                 Dadjust

答案:D 结合下文的“because even the initially standardized tests were moving towards fewer multiple choices questions”可知,作者意识到自己需要适应(adjust),因为很多的考试已经没有了多项选择。

15.A.giving                            Brequiring

C.replying                             Dremembering

答案:B 根据后面的“answers in the form of paragraphs and essays”可知,这些考试题目要求(require)所给答案是以短文和段落形式出现,而不是选择题形式了。

16.A.Slowly                            BFrankly

C.Strangely                            DTotally

答案:A 根据后面的“started experiencing improvements and I could easily __17__ notes to my friends”可知,慢慢地(slowly),作者取得了进步。

17.A.make                              Bcompose

C.send                                 Dexplain

答案:B 与前面的“I started experiencing improvements”呼应,作者取得了进步,能够轻松地撰写(compose)笔记。

18.A.skill                             Binterest

C.reward                               Dtrouble

答案:A 根据前面的“With numerous practices and experiences through my high school and now in college”可知,作者的写作技能(skill)得到了极大的改善。

19.A.sort out                          Bturn down

C.deal with                            Dapply for

答案:C 根据语境可知,现在作者能够轻松地应对(deal with)自己的书写问题。

20.A.appropriate                       Bmemorable

C.sincere                              Dhumorous

答案:A 与前面的improved呼应,指作者能够选择合适的(appropriate)词、语调和形式等。

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