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(北师大版)2021高考一轮统考复习第一编Book3Unit7TheSea课时作业(英语 解析版)
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  • 资源类别试题
  • 教材版本北师大版(现行教材)
  • 适用年级高三年级
  • 文件大小1100 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/14 12:02:09
    下载统计今日0 总计1
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 Events began to unfold on Saturday evening on the Panama City Beach in Florida when Roberta Ursrey and her husband saw their two young sons screaming for help from 100 yards out into the ocean. A nearby couple tried to __1__ the boys, but they also became caught in the riptide (裂流区). Several of the other Ursrey family members, __2__ to save the struggling swimmers, became __3__ as well.

There was no lifeguard __4__. The police decided to wait for a rescue boat—but the __5__ was getting more serious by the second. The victims had already been __6__ to keep their heads above water for twenty minutes, and they were __7__.

Beach goers started __8__ the crowd of onlookers to form a human chain. Dozens of people, several of __9__ couldn't even swim themselves, linked __10__ and marched into the ocean. Among the onlookers was Jessica Mae Simmons, whose husband __11__ the crowd to form a chain. As she watched the human chain __12__ toward the swimmers, she knew that she could help. I have always been a(n) __13__ swimmer,” Simmons wrote on Facebook. “I was __14__ I could get them to the human chain of people that wanted to help.”

Simmons and her husband then __15__ surfing boards and swam down the chain until they reached the swimmers. First, they helped the two young boys __16__ the human chain. Then, they went back for Roberta, who was just starting to lose __17__ by the time she was rescued ... When the last __18__ was brought back to the beach, the crowd began to cheer.

Over 80 onlookers formed a human chain to save nine people from a __19__ riptide. This beach rescue proves that anyone __20__ be a hero.


1A.strike                            Bcall

Cwarn                                Drescue

答案:D 在附近游泳的一对夫妇试图营救这两名男孩,但也陷入了激流中。

2A.attempting                        Bmanaging

Cfailing                             Drefusing

答案:A attempt在此用作动词,意为“尝试”,符合语境。

3A.injured                           Bhurt

Ctrapped                             Dseparated

答案:C 罗伯塔·尤塞里的家庭成员尝试着去救人,也被困住(trap)了。

4A.under way                         Bon duty

Cin vain                             Don display

答案:B 介词短语on duty意为“值班”,符合语境。under way “在进行中”;in vain “白费地,徒劳地”;on display “展出中”。

5A.revolution                        Bconversation

Cconservation                        Dsituation

答案D 但每过一秒情况(situation)会变得更加严重。

6A.struggling                        Btending

Cpretending                          Dexpecting

答案:A struggle在此用作动词,意为“挣扎,费劲地做某事”,符合语境。

7A.thrilled                          Bdisappointed

Cexhausted                           Dtouched

答案:C 他们已筋疲力尽(exhausted)了。

8A.taking on                         Bworking on

Ctrying on                           Dcalling on

答案:D 海滩上有人号召旁观者组成“人链”来救人。call on意为“号召,呼吁”,符合语境。

9A.whom                              Bwhich

Cthat                                Dwhose

答案:A 此处为“代词+介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。先行词为人,且在介词之后,故填whom

10A.heads                            Barms

Clegs                                Dfeet

答案:B 根据常识判断,应该是手挽着手组成“人链”。故选B

11A.blocked                          Bforced

Ctold                                Dordered

答案:C 她的丈夫告诉(tell)大家组成“人链”救人。

12A.rush                             Bclimb

Croll                                Dstretch

答案:D stretch在此作为动词,意为“延伸,伸展”,符合语境。

13A.awful                            Bsuperb

Cclumsy                              Dcommon

答案:B 由下一段可知,西蒙斯敢在这种危急的情况下下海救人,可见她的水性极好。superb意为“极好的,杰出的”,符合语境。

14A.informed                         Bthought

Cconvinced                           Ddisturbed

答案:C “我”相信(convinced)“我”能把这些受困的人救到“人链”这里来。

15A.ignored                          Bspotted

Cabandoned                           Dgrabbed

答案:D 西蒙斯和她的丈夫抓起(grab)冲浪板,游过“人链”,游向被困的游泳者。

16A.reach                            Bconnect

Clink                                Dcut

答案:A 首先,他们帮助两个男孩游到(reach)了“人链”处。

17A.weight                           Bconsciousness

Cmemory                              Dheart

答案:B lose consciousness意为“失去知觉”,符合语境。

18A.winner                           Bonlooker

Cvictim                              Drider

答案:C 当最后一个受害者被带回海滩时,人群开始欢呼。前文“The victims had already been”有提示。属原词复现。

19A.calm                             Bmild

Cpoisonous                           Ddangerous

答案:D 80多名旁观者组成“人链”从危险的(dangerous)激流中营救9名被困者。

20A.can                              Bshould

Cmust                                Dshall

答案:A 这次海滩救援行动证明了任何人都可能成为英雄。can在此是情态动词,表示可能性。

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