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  • 资源类别试卷
  • 教材版本不限
  • 适用年级高二年级
  • 文件大小944 K
  • 更新时间2020/8/12 18:28:56
    下载统计今日0 总计3
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Courses on Learning Online


Learning and Communicating

Online learning is likely to be important for you in the future, either at university or in the workplace. Learning online requires different skills from learning in the classroom. This course will help you develop those skills. It also shows you how to learn and communicate effectively in an online environment.

 Start Time: 5 February 2018   Join free   


Searching and Researching

In this course, you'll explore the rich and different information online by using a variety of search engines and tools. You'll learn how to use search tools and how to find the right information. You will take part in a large number of learning activities. You will be challenged to dig deeper and think seriously about the online information.

 Start Time: 10 February 2018  Join free


Thinking and Sharing

In this course, you'll be introduced to some tools you can use. These tools will help you think of your learning, such as short tests and quizzes. You will then move on to share your learning with others. By sharing video, using blogs or social media you can enrich the learning experience.

Start Time: 15 February 2018   Join free 


Being Safe Online

Many of us now have an online ID. In this course you'll consider your online presence. You'll discover that what we say and do online can tell our real lives. You'll also spend time improving your online ID. You can get the most out of being yourself online. You'll apply a personal code for online communication.

Start Time: 20 February 2018   Join free


1. If you take the course about online communication, you can begin your course on______.

A. 5 February 2018             B. 10 February 2018 

C. 15 February 2018            D. 20 February 2018

2. Which course can teach you how to deal with online information?

A. Learning and Communicating. B. Searching and Researching.

C. Thinking and Sharing.        D. Being Safe Online.

3. Which of the following can help you think of your online learning?

A. Video and blog.   B. Search engine.   C. Test and quiz. D. Personal code.

4. What are the four courses mainly about?

A. Online learning skills. B. Online learning tools.C. Learning styles.  D. Learning behaviors.

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