【导读】 《飘》绝对是部值得再三品味的好书,文字优美,情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,虽然其中由于作者的主观因素,对于美国南北战争的评价并不客观和全面,但以文学角度来说,这绝对是一部绝世佳作,值得一看。
【节选】 It seemed strange now that when she was growing up Ashley had never seemed so very attractive to her.In childhood days,she had seen him come and go and never given him a thought.But since that day two years ago when Ashley,newly home from his three years' Grand Tour in Europe,had called to pay his respects,she had loved him.It was as simple as that.
She had been on the front porch and he had ridden up the long avenue,dressed in gray broad cloth with a wide black cravat setting off his frilled shirt to perfection.Even now,she could recall each detail of his dress,how brightly his boots shone,the head of a Medusa in cameo on his cravat phi,the wide Panama hat that was instantly in his hand when he saw her.
He had alighted and tossed his bridle reins to a pickaninny and stood looking up at her,his drowsy gray eyes wide with a smile and the sun so bright on his blond hair that it seemed like a cap of shining silver.And he said,“So you've grown up,Scarlett.” And,coming lightly up the steps,he had kissed her hand.And his voice! She would never forget the leap of her heart as she heard it,as if for the first time,drawling,resonant,musical.
She had wanted him,in that first instant,wanted him as simply and unreasoningly as she wanted food to eat,horses to ride and a soft bed on which to lay herself.