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  • 文件大小1247 K
  • 更新时间2020/6/8 9:26:11
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()Learn to write after the model

My reflection on “The Secrets of Your Memory”

“The Secrets of Your Memory” has helped me better understand how my memory works.Before reading the text, I did’t know that there are so many interesting things about our memory.

Now I understand why we remember the events in childhood better than those that happened recently.I also learnt some people have amazing memories.These people can remember things better than most others.For me, it’s good to know that no one has a photographic memory.That is to say, most of us will have to make an effort when trying to remember things.What’s more, it is amazing to know how a person’s memory changes with age.Our memory reaches its full power at the age of 25! Isn’t that surprising? This means my memory is at its best state at the moment.I should make the best use of it.,

Getting to know the secrets of our memory means learning not only the facts about it, but also the ways to improve it.I think I will follow the advice provided and try to strengthen my memory.When acquiring new knowledge, I’ll try to make connections with what I have already learnt.Moreover, I must also learn to do “spaced review” especially during the first day after learning.For example, this means going over what I’ve learnt soon after learning and before going to bed.In addition, it is important for me to make plans for the work I need to do.I’m sure these methods will help me improve my learning.,

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