My neighbour, Mr Lee, used to be a barber and had a satisfying job. But three years ago, he suffered from a terrible accident at a crossroads near his home because a truck driver didn't respect the traffic rules. The crossroads was very busy, in particular at rush hours. Mr Lee had a close encounter with death and the accident had a profound effect on him. Thanks to his outgoing personality, he didn't lose heart. He felt it was his mission to make people obey the traffic rules.
After recovery, Mr Lee applied for a post as a traffic policeman but got refused, because he wasn't qualified for the job. But he was allowed to be a temporary rather than permanent worker. Mr Lee signed a contract, but now doesn't earn much. Mr Lee realises that it's essential for everyone to respect the traffic rules. Every day, Mr Lee takes up his place in the street directing the traffic. Some people who pass by take notice of him and feel very strange, but with time going by, they take it for granted that Mr Lee does this. Sometimes, he helps the elderly or kids cross the street and they are grateful to him. He also requires everyone to obey the traffic rules. In response to his work, people who often pass by the crossroads never break the rules. In practice, the toll here has dropped to zero.