Hopi Indian Tours
Hopi Tours is operated from Second Mesa, Arizona, on the Hopi Indian Reservation. This is a unique venue for experiencing Hopi ancestral lands and culture.
Experience the true value of these beautiful lands and learn how the ancient way of theHopi tribe(部落) hassurvived. AftervisitingHopicultural sites each day, you can relax with multi-media presentations of Hopi history and culture.
Visitor information
The primary tourist season is in the summer. It tends to be cold and rainy during the other seasons. Summer is hot so bring appropriate clothing. Our tours include walking so we encourage tour participants to bring comfortable footwear. A number of guide books incorrectly state that visitors are required to obtain permission before entering the Hopi Reservation. However, permits are required for visiting particular areas on the Hopi Reservation that may be culturallysensitive.
Entrancefees Halfday Fullday
Adults $60 $100
Children5-17 $30 $50
Group 20ormore $40 $70 Children under 5free
All rates include a guide. Additional rates for weekend tours are noted below. There are extra chargesiftransportation,mealsorlodging (住宿) are required. Call Hopi Reservation Information (928)324-6839.
Weekend tours
Visit Hopi ancestral sites. You will see traditional arts & crafts and meet Hopi craftsmen. Visit the Hopi Cultural Center to taste various Hopi foods. Weekend tours include: Saturday night lodging, tour lunches with Hopi snacks, transportation and entrance fees, evening presentations, tour guides and traditional dinner.
$300 per person.
Arts and crafts
Pottery, rugs and dolls can be purchased throughout the Hopi Reservation in shops and galleries.
Lodging and dining
There is one motel ( 汽 车 旅 馆 ) on the Reservation, the Hopi Cultural Center Motel. Call (928)734-6493 for reservations. There is an overnight campground next door, limited to a two-night stay. There are a number of dining facilities( 设 施) and take-outshopsontheHopi Reservation. A large restaurant serving American andtraditionalHopifoodislocatedattheHopi Cultural Center. Several families in each village serve food from their homes — look out for signsin their windows.
21.What is planned at the end of eachtour?
A.Alecture. B. A Hopidinner.
C.Apresentation. D. A shoppingtrip.
22.Where do you need permission togo?
A. Thegalleries. B.Hopivillages.
C.Culturally sensitiveareas. D. The Hopi CulturalCenter.
23.How much will a couple pay for a weekend tour?
A.$160. B. $200. C. $400. D. $600.
24.What can you do on theReservation?
A.Camp for twonights. B.Try on Hopicostumes.
C.Meet the tribeleaders. D.Make traditional Hopifood.